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Performance-Based Budgeting and Medium-Term Expenditure ... 7 abbreviations and acronyms bis bl com cofog ebf edp flsu fmis gfs lgu imf itc kpi m&e mof ngo mtef mto nis oecd omb part pbb pdb pefa peir pem pfm pfmcl pfdml Ayapere Scholar Articles - The Impact of Public financial management on Local government administration in Bayelsa state of Nigeria Budget Preparation: Policy Based Budgeting Budget Preparation: Policy Based Budgeting International Good Practices and Reference Models Guidance and Tips; Country Case Studies and Lessons Learnt Results - Based Management Discussion Paper - Managing for ... Draft RBM Discussion Paper Page 4 SIGMA Papers - OECD iLibrary SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management) is a joint initiative of the OECD and the EU. SIGMA Papers is a series of specialised reports that are ... Search Official Documents - Organisation for Economic Co ... Searching... OECD. All rights reserved; Terms and Conditions; Privacy Policy; MyOECD; Site Map Budgeting and public expenditures - OECD OECD Home Directorate for Public Governance and Territorial Development Budgeting and public expenditures International Budget Practices and Procedures ... Budgeting and public expenditures - OECD Find. OECD Journal on Budgeting; OECD Budget Practices and Procedures Database; Senior Budget Officials (SBO) Working Party and networks; Country budget reviews OECD Journal on Budgeting - Papers - OECD iLibrary The OECD journal on public sector budgeting, published three times per year. It draws on the best of the recent work of the OECD Working Party of Senior Budget ... Budget Practices and Procedures in Africa 2008 v BuDgET PRACTICES AND PROCEDuRES IN AFRICA 2008 Acknowledgements This report was jointly commissioned by the Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative